Seven Days in Usha Village: A Conversation with Dr. Sebi, an audiobook, is an enactment of an interview between the late natural healer Dr. Sebi and Beverly Oliver. Herman Washington narrates the role of Dr. Sebi in the interview that happened in Honduras, Central America, in November 2005. The backdrops for the interview include several locations in La Ceiba, Honduras: the living room in Dr. Sebi’s hut, a truck ride around La Ceiba, and a tour of the grounds of Dr. Sebi’s healing center Usha Village.
Dr. Sebi died before the audiobook’s production wrapped in February 2017. Herman Washington aptly portrays Dr. Sebi’s multilayered persona, inflecting credible moods and a tone of voice reminiscent of the late herbalist.
Music in the audiobook's Opening and Closing credits is “Juliet,” composed and performed by guitarist Ray Obiedo.
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